
There are so many reasons why I’m too distracted to smile…⠀

I’m stressed about a deadline.⠀

I’m in a big fat hurry.⠀

I’m wondering about how my husband is doing at work or about how my kids are doing at school.⠀

I’m brainstorming about what to make for dinner.⠀

I’m thinking about my never ending to-do list.⠀

I’m contemplating what to do with all the clutter.⠀

And really, it’s not that I’m unhappy. And it’s not like I NEVER smile. ⠀

Sometimes I just don’t think about it. So I don’t do it.⠀

I recently read an article about smiling. That smiling sends a positive message to the brain–even when the smile is fake. Even when you just stick a pen in your mouth and push those facial muscles upward.⠀

So, I’ve thought about smiling more. And because I’ve been thinking about it more, I’m doing it more. ⠀

And you know what?⠀

It has made an honest to goodness, noticeable difference 😇. ⠀

When I’ve been at the store, so tempted to just get through my shopping trip, I’ve been looking people in the eye and then giving them a big smile. Then, surprise, surprise, they smile back at me 😀. ⠀

Well, most of the time 😅.⠀

When I feel like scowling through the elementary school pickups and dropoffs, because traffic at the school is, well, total chaos…I’ve been trying to smile at the other drivers. And surprise, surprise they smile back at me.⠀

It’s been an interesting experiment, to be more conscious of something so simple. But the effects for me have been profound. It’s brought a new meaning to what Alma said, that “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.” ⠀

What I’m loving about the smiling thing is that it has the potential to change situations and costs absolutely nothing. It crosses language barriers and is recognized by young and old people alike. It literally takes ONE SECOND. What else in life takes only one second and can have such significant impact?!⠀

I’m thinking we should all do it a little more. You with me? 💛⠀

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