Welcome to a new year and a new decade! It is the morning of January 1st and I am noticing there is already a lot of chatter on what our goals can or should be and how we can or should achieve them. Thinking about how to improve is a good thing! But feeling overwhelmed by too many voices on the subject is paralyzing. Though I am not an expert on goal setting, I can say with certainty that there is no one size fits all approach to a new year. We are all different and so are our goals and the ways we achieve them. What I do believe can be helpful for any one of us:

-Evaluate what is already working for you and GO and DO it.

-Think about what you would like to start doing, make a plan and GO and DO it.

-Decide what is most important to you, what you want to be remembered for, and GO and DO it.

-If you are feeling a nudge to do something you have never done before and are feeling some fear, ask for courage and GO and DO it.

-Ask God for guidance on what HE has for you to GO and DO this year. Ezra Taft Benson taught, “Men and women who turn their lives over to God will find out that he can make a lot more out of their lives than they can.” Pray and listen. Have faith that you have heavenly help. Then GO and DO.

When things feel hard and the going and doing are not going as you had hoped, think of these words from Gordon B. Hinckley: “Please don’t nag yourself with thoughts of failure. Do not set goals far beyond your capacity to achieve. Simply do what you can do, in the best way you know, and the Lord will accept of your effort.”

Happy New Year friends.

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Photo by john paul tyrone fernandez on Pexels.com

Lessons From a Cookie on This Christmas Eve Eve

I wasn’t expecting to–he was pretty annoying at first–but I kinda fell in love with this kooky little Cookiesaurus Rex. He’s a cookie who’s desperate to be on Santa’s plate, but unfortunately for him, that’s not what the cookie maker had in mind. Rex is envious of the other cookies and almost destroys their chance at being the cookies they were made to be. In the end though, he makes things right, and Star, Bell and Gingerbread Boy all end up on the plate left out for the big guy on Christmas Eve. ⠀

And Cookiesaurus Rex? He ends up at the top of the Christmas tree, filling the role he was created to fill.⠀

Since adding this book to our Christmas library I’ve been thinking about how I can better trust The One who made me, who has a specific part for me to play.⠀

I’m thinking a little less looking around, a little less comparing.⠀

And a lot more gratitude and faith.⠀

Gratitude for my own strengths and abilities. And faith that they’ll be just what I need to do what I was made to do 💛.


There are so many reasons why I’m too distracted to smile…⠀

I’m stressed about a deadline.⠀

I’m in a big fat hurry.⠀

I’m wondering about how my husband is doing at work or about how my kids are doing at school.⠀

I’m brainstorming about what to make for dinner.⠀

I’m thinking about my never ending to-do list.⠀

I’m contemplating what to do with all the clutter.⠀

And really, it’s not that I’m unhappy. And it’s not like I NEVER smile. ⠀

Sometimes I just don’t think about it. So I don’t do it.⠀

I recently read an article about smiling. That smiling sends a positive message to the brain–even when the smile is fake. Even when you just stick a pen in your mouth and push those facial muscles upward.⠀

So, I’ve thought about smiling more. And because I’ve been thinking about it more, I’m doing it more. ⠀

And you know what?⠀

It has made an honest to goodness, noticeable difference 😇. ⠀

When I’ve been at the store, so tempted to just get through my shopping trip, I’ve been looking people in the eye and then giving them a big smile. Then, surprise, surprise, they smile back at me 😀. ⠀

Well, most of the time 😅.⠀

When I feel like scowling through the elementary school pickups and dropoffs, because traffic at the school is, well, total chaos…I’ve been trying to smile at the other drivers. And surprise, surprise they smile back at me.⠀

It’s been an interesting experiment, to be more conscious of something so simple. But the effects for me have been profound. It’s brought a new meaning to what Alma said, that “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.” ⠀

What I’m loving about the smiling thing is that it has the potential to change situations and costs absolutely nothing. It crosses language barriers and is recognized by young and old people alike. It literally takes ONE SECOND. What else in life takes only one second and can have such significant impact?!⠀

I’m thinking we should all do it a little more. You with me? 💛⠀



Couldn’t quite hold it together while my girls and I rehearsed this song in a mother daughter choir today. Maybe I was emotional because summer break is almost over and they will be heading back to school this week. Maybe it’s because lately two of my children have had real and difficult sleep troubles. Or maybe it was because I feel truly humbled at the amount of trust God has in me to raise just a few of his beautiful children. A bit of each, I suppose. As I sang these words I felt more than ever before that guiding these sweet spirits through life is a grand team effort–me, my husband, our Savior and Heavenly Parents working together to protect them, encourage them, teach them and lift them. I guess it is completely possible to feel both overwhelmed and empowered all at the same time 💛.⠀

Mother, tell me the story that I love to hear.⠀
Tell me of heaven and why I came here.⠀
Mother, tell how you love me, and gently speak,⠀
And then I’ll go to sleep.⠀

Child, I am here.⠀
Can you feel that heaven is near?⠀
Sleep, sleep; a lovewatch I’ll keep⠀
To protect you through the night.⠀

Mother, tell me of Jesus and how he is near.⠀
Tell how he loves me, and I will not fear.⠀
Mother, tell how his Spirit brings comfort and peace,⠀
And then I’ll go to sleep.⠀

Child, he is there.⠀
In his love you never need fear.⠀
Sleep, sleep; a lovewatch he’ll keep⠀
To protect you through the night.⠀

–Mother, Tell Me The Story by Janice Kapp Perry


In Matthew 18:20 Jesus taught, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them” (Christian Standard Bible). I can think of nothing that pleases God more than to see his daughters gather together to learn and to lift, to give love and feel love.

As with so many good things in life, Satan has others plans. He would keep women from gathering at all if he could. If he can’t keep us from gathering, he makes us feel isolated and uncomfortable in a group, as though we don’t really belong. He would have us believe we are too different from each other to really connect or get us so focused on comparisons that our hearts are filled with envy. How careful we have to be not to fall into his traps!

God, on the other hand, wants his daughters to come together and bless each other in beautiful ways. He wants us to notice each other and invite others into our circles, into our conversations. He wants us to acknowledge and appreciate our own unique gifts and abilities and to see ourselves as His army of sisters for goodness and light. God wants us to gather.

It is in gathering that we can feel His presence.

It is in gathering that we can strengthen our faith and the faith of those around us.

It is in gathering that we can build true and lasting friendships.

It is in gathering that we can mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.

It is in gathering that we can start to heal what hurts.

It is in gathering that we can find peace, love, hope and joy.

So gather!

Wherever you are, gather. There are more ways to gather now than ever before—when we can’t gather to a physical location, we can gather through phone calls or online. Pray to find those who want to gather too. Once you’re gathered, remember what God would want that gathering to look like. You can think of these words from Elaine Cannon, who spoke to a gathering of women many years ago:

“As we spend this time together, may we find something that will help us as we sing our songs and live our lives, help us in our similarities as well as in our differentness, in our public and private problems, and in our copings and our contributions. May the Spirit of the Lord.…fill us with love, with joy, and with understanding so that we may feel close to each other and be moved to become more like him.”

Looking Up

Lately, I’ve been staring at the clouds. It is something I haven’t done much since my childhood days–twirling in circles until I was so dizzy I’d fall down and watch them spin and spin. Now that I am older, spinning has lost all of its previous excitement. Feeling dizzy like that is no longer fun! Now when I watch clouds I actually stop what I’m doing, find a cozy place to lay down and then I look up. I have done this in many places recently—my own front yard, the mountains at a youth camp and a crowded beach at Lake Tahoe. Each time I have come away feeling rejuvenated, peaceful and loved.

All this cloud watching has me thinking and I have asked myself these questions:

  • Spiritually speaking, how am I doing at looking up?

  • Am I remembering God in my summer planning?

  • Am I recognizing His hand in my life?

  • Am I sitting with him, spending time in His word?

  • Am I listening for what He has to tell me?

  • Am I giving thanks for grace and asking for strength?

  • Am I doing what I need to feel rejuvenated, peaceful and loved?

Not long ago I visited with a fellow mom who was lamenting the fact that she had really good intentions for the summer and in the first two weeks all those plans had already fallen apart. I can relate. With sports practices and swim lessons, barbecues and firework shows, vacations and family reunions it is EASY to be distracted. To look around instead of up. It is easy to compare our lives to those of our friends, neighbors and even strangers. It is easy to fall out of the holy habits and righteous routines we stick to during other times of the year. It is easy to measure our current situations against our good intentions and feel we are falling short.

Thomas S. Monson once said, “Remember, it is better to look up!’“ and he was so right! Life in the summer (and all the other seasons too) is noticeably better when I remember to look up, because:

Looking up changes my perspective.

Looking up reminds me who I am and whose I am.

Looking up eliminates comparison.

Looking up creates peace.

Looking up strengthens me.

Looking up helps me feel God’s love.

What if we could write it on our hearts that amid the summer chaos we can still look up? Even if the way we look up right now is different than at other times of the year? Even if we feel busier and more distracted than usual? What if we could commit to being a little more creative in how we stay spiritually connected to our God and our Savior?

Would it be worth it to try? Would it change your summer? I can tell you it is most definitely changing mine.

“I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” —Psalm 91:2

Times and Seasons


“God doesn’t want his sons and daughters to wedge into someone else’s place. We have to find our own.” –Gail Miller

It’s taken me a lot of years and a whole lot of attempted “wedging”, but I have found my place. And I’m very happy about it.

In 2011 I joined a committee for a local children’s hospital annual fundraiser. My involvement in Festival of Trees has at times been a little stressful, but also joyful and ALWAYS worth it.

Last November I served as a member of the executive board with a committee of my own. It was a major commitment for me and my family. Festival week was hard and wonderful and by February I had to make a decision about whether or not I would return as a member of the board. I knew in Festival of Trees I had found my place, my sense of belonging. I also felt in my heart that there truly is a time and season for everything. I stepped back into a committee member role and decided I would also decorate a small tree–with my cute mom!

Sometimes the timing of things feels right. Sometimes it doesn’t. I think our “place” looks different through all the phases of life–and that’s okay. What works in one phase may not be possible in another. The important thing is that we do what feels right in the moment it feels right.

We named our tree “Christmas Woods” and dedicated it to Grandpa Matthew & Grandma Rose Noall and Grandpa Vernon & Grandma Ethel Jarman, who provided their posterity with our own little cabin in the woods ❤. It was built nearly 90 years ago and has been a treasure for generations!


Can’t stop thinking about this part of a talk I listened to this week:

“No woman is more persuasive, no woman has greater influence for good, no woman is a more vibrant instrument in the hands of the Lord than a woman of God who is thrilled to be who she is.” (Stand Taller Stand Together by Sheri Dew)

It seems like the world (and Satan, for that matter) would have us focus on all the things we would change about ourselves or our circumstances, always keeping self confidence and contentment just out of reach.

But WHAT IF more of us were thrilled to be who we are, right here and right now?

WHAT IF our identity as daughters of God made us feel really, truly confident and comfortable in our own skin?

WHAT IF we didn’t let fear or worry or comparison keep us from doing what WE were sent here to do?

WHAT IF we focused less on our imperfections and weaknesses and celebrated our progress instead?

WHAT IF with grateful hearts we shared our gifts and talents instead of wishing for someone else’s?

WHAT IF we were happy enough with who we are slowly and steadily trying to become that we set out to help others become thrilled with who they are too?

Wouldn’t it change EVERYTHING? Not just for you, but for everyone who interacts with you?

As I think about it, the possibilities are incredible 💛.

This Kind of Mom

I am not a fondant rolling, chocolate molding kind of mom who makes perfect cakes, but I am a mom who insists on making homemade cakes (or cupcakes) for every birthday.

I am not a clutter free mom with a house that’s always tidy, but I am a mom who has been making her way through rooms and boxes this year, deciding which items “spark joy” 😄 and I’m trying to teach my kids to do the same.

I am not a mom who never raises her voice when things get overwhelming, but I am a mom who will apologize and will try hard to do better next time.

I am not a mom who stays calm every morning as she’s trying to get four kids out the door on time, but I never forget to tell them I love them when they jump out of the car for school.

I am not a totally consistent Family Home Evening or family scripture study kind of mom, but my kids know that Heavenly Father and Jesus are there when they need help.

I am a mom who thinks about adventuring with her kids a lot more than we actually adventure, but when we do get out we make some good memories.

I am a mom who journals for and with her kids *almost* every Sunday morning.

I am a mom who has taught her oldest children the why and how of family history work and FamilySearch.

I am a mom who sometimes locks herself in her room while her kids watch TV so she can read a book just for fun.

I am a mom who teaches her kids how to serve. And how to work…while blasting Earth, Wind and Fire or Fitz and The Tantrums.

I am a dance in the kitchen, sing in the shower, tickle my kids up the stairs kind of mom 👩👧👦👱‍♂️. Thanks @simplyonpurpose. You gave me a lot to think about with the #iamthiskindofmom challenge. It’s been truly inspiring to read about all different kinds of moms 💛.

“I’m glad I came”

“We are inclined to long for ease in our lives, but it is a common observation that those who struggle and overcome are the ones who have the greatest satisfaction.” –Camilla E. Kimball


To My Cute Little Sparkles Girl,

I am not sure if your seven year old brain will remember the experience you had on our camping trip last week. On our second day in the mountains a group of us decided to go on a hike. You immediately said that you didn’t want to go and in all honesty I wasn’t sure that I wanted to make you come, because I was fairly certain you’d whine all the way. As everyone started packing snacks and water in their backpacks I turned on my “it’ll-be-fun” voice and told you to get your things ready.

The hike was downhill for the first little while. As we walked I distracted you from your misery with trivia questions about members of our family. Eventually a beautiful lake came into view and we thought we had made it to our destination. That is when our hike leader took us off the trail and up a steep wall of boulders and prickly plants. You held tightly to my hand all the way up and together we took one careful step after another until we reached the top. I don’t think you had ever seen anything like the view we were seeing, standing high above the lake that just minutes before was right in front of us. As we sat down at the edge of the rocky wall we had climbed and you were comfortably chowing down on your Handi Snacks Breadsticks N Cheese, you looked over at me and said, “Mom, I’m glad I came.”

Sometimes in life we have to do things we don’t want to do. Sometimes we find ourselves in places that weren’t our own choosing and we have to decide what we’ll do. There can be some really “hard hikes” that we may be afraid we won’t make it through. But if we can take these hard hikes of life just one step at a time, knowing that God is there holding our hand, (just like I held yours!) we can make it. We can get to the top and look back with a grateful heart, happy to realize that all the trouble we went through trying to get there was absolutely worth it. I hope you’ll remember that.

All My Love,
