
Can’t stop thinking about this part of a talk I listened to this week:

“No woman is more persuasive, no woman has greater influence for good, no woman is a more vibrant instrument in the hands of the Lord than a woman of God who is thrilled to be who she is.” (Stand Taller Stand Together by Sheri Dew)

It seems like the world (and Satan, for that matter) would have us focus on all the things we would change about ourselves or our circumstances, always keeping self confidence and contentment just out of reach.

But WHAT IF more of us were thrilled to be who we are, right here and right now?

WHAT IF our identity as daughters of God made us feel really, truly confident and comfortable in our own skin?

WHAT IF we didn’t let fear or worry or comparison keep us from doing what WE were sent here to do?

WHAT IF we focused less on our imperfections and weaknesses and celebrated our progress instead?

WHAT IF with grateful hearts we shared our gifts and talents instead of wishing for someone else’s?

WHAT IF we were happy enough with who we are slowly and steadily trying to become that we set out to help others become thrilled with who they are too?

Wouldn’t it change EVERYTHING? Not just for you, but for everyone who interacts with you?

As I think about it, the possibilities are incredible 💛.

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